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Bulletis of Natural and Applied Sciences
Vol. 1(3):93-100

In vitro Propagation of Anther Culture of Datura stramonium (Datura) Using B5 Media

1Jamilu Danjumma Koko, 1Salisu N., 1Bello Mahammad Usman and 2Sandeep Kumar, 3Muhammad Ababakar Gumi 1Federal University Birnin Kebbi. Nigeria P.M.B. 1157 Birnin Kebbi; 2Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed t

Datura stramonium L. is a medicinal plant that makes tropane alkaloids and generates secondary metabolites during in-vitro culture. The study investigates the in vitro propagation of Datura stramonium through anther culture using B5 medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and kinetin. The objective was to evaluate the effects of these growth regulators on callus initiation, growth, and somatic embryogenesis. Callus induction was monitored over a 30-day period, with fresh and dry weight measurements taken at 10-day intervals. The results showed a significant increase in fresh weight, from 0.19 g at Day 0 to 1.47 g at Day 30, indicating robust callus growth. Somatic embryogenesis was assessed over six weeks, with embryogenic cell formation being observed at 15% in the first week, maintaining 13% at Weeks 3 and 6. The morphological progression of somatic embryos was noted, with globular embryos transitioning to heart-shaped structures. These findings suggest that B5 medium with IAA and kinetin supports callus proliferation and induces somatic embryogenesis in Datura stramonium, although the embryogenic response was moderate. This study provides valuable insights into the conditions required for effective in vitro propagation of Datura stramonium and lays the groundwork for future optimization of somatic embryo production.